Deepening our Quaker Practice
In the turbulent seventeenth century Quakers were vigorous pamphleteers, using the technology of the age to publish their insights and share their spiritual convictions. ‘In those days there was an administrative-ecclesiastical complex, a leviathan which the religious and political reformers of the seventeenth century set out to slay. It was in the heart of this struggle that the Quaker movement came into being. The early Quakers bequeathed a vast literature of letters, records and journals - reflections of a group of people who have joyfully come to the same discovery of religious faith’. (John Punshon, Portrait in Grey)
Today that same joyful spirituality is alive and well in the blogosphere. When I struggle along my Quaker journey, hungry for sustenance to enrich my spiritual practice, I gain great comfort from the writings of other Quakers who generously share their spiritual experiences and insights online. These are just some of the many Quaker bloggers who may raise your spirits when you find yourself stumbling across stony ground.
Mike Farley - Silent Assemblies
Mike is an ex-diary herdsman, musician, writer and Quaker based in the SW of England. His writings ‘A ministry of electrons and distance’ and ‘On standing still and ceasing’ fuse a contemplative perspective rooted in the christian tradition with quotes and insights from a wide variety of writers.
Craig Barnett - Transition Quaker
Craig is an elder of Sheffield and Balby Area Quaker Meeting. He is interested in exploring what Quakers can contribute to a life-sustaining society. His longer blog posts ‘The amazing absence of Quaker worship’ and ‘The death of Liberal Quakerism (and the birth of something new?)’ are extremely thought provoking, challenging and well worth reading.
Living with Conflict - exploring and experimenting with expectations
'Everyone is living with conflict. If you are not, you’re rare, and please let us know about it. Most people don’t enjoy it much, and ask why does this happen and what can I do about it? This website explores these questions and you are welcome to join in the exploration’. Learn about deepening the skill of listening, developing resilience in conflict and recycling rage.
Quaker Speak
Quaker speak is the brainchild of the Quaker singer and songwriter Jon Watts. A beautifully produced weekly video series on YouTube hosting short interviews of Friends from different backgrounds and asking them the core questions about their faith. The interviews are personal, intimate and revealing. The channel seeks to offer an experience of Quakerism that is entertaining, informative, inspiring, challenging, inviting, unifying and collaborative. And in my experience it does all that!
Kevin Redpath
Website editor
In the turbulent seventeenth century Quakers were vigorous pamphleteers, using the technology of the age to publish their insights and share their spiritual convictions. ‘In those days there was an administrative-ecclesiastical complex, a leviathan which the religious and political reformers of the seventeenth century set out to slay. It was in the heart of this struggle that the Quaker movement came into being. The early Quakers bequeathed a vast literature of letters, records and journals - reflections of a group of people who have joyfully come to the same discovery of religious faith’. (John Punshon, Portrait in Grey)
Today that same joyful spirituality is alive and well in the blogosphere. When I struggle along my Quaker journey, hungry for sustenance to enrich my spiritual practice, I gain great comfort from the writings of other Quakers who generously share their spiritual experiences and insights online. These are just some of the many Quaker bloggers who may raise your spirits when you find yourself stumbling across stony ground.
Mike Farley - Silent Assemblies
Mike is an ex-diary herdsman, musician, writer and Quaker based in the SW of England. His writings ‘A ministry of electrons and distance’ and ‘On standing still and ceasing’ fuse a contemplative perspective rooted in the christian tradition with quotes and insights from a wide variety of writers.
Craig Barnett - Transition Quaker
Craig is an elder of Sheffield and Balby Area Quaker Meeting. He is interested in exploring what Quakers can contribute to a life-sustaining society. His longer blog posts ‘The amazing absence of Quaker worship’ and ‘The death of Liberal Quakerism (and the birth of something new?)’ are extremely thought provoking, challenging and well worth reading.
Living with Conflict - exploring and experimenting with expectations
'Everyone is living with conflict. If you are not, you’re rare, and please let us know about it. Most people don’t enjoy it much, and ask why does this happen and what can I do about it? This website explores these questions and you are welcome to join in the exploration’. Learn about deepening the skill of listening, developing resilience in conflict and recycling rage.
Quaker Speak
Quaker speak is the brainchild of the Quaker singer and songwriter Jon Watts. A beautifully produced weekly video series on YouTube hosting short interviews of Friends from different backgrounds and asking them the core questions about their faith. The interviews are personal, intimate and revealing. The channel seeks to offer an experience of Quakerism that is entertaining, informative, inspiring, challenging, inviting, unifying and collaborative. And in my experience it does all that!
Kevin Redpath
Website editor