White Poppies: “No more wars. No more killing. Let us work for peace.”
In the lead up to Remembrance Day 2018, Street Quaker Meeting will run a series of workshops and activities exploring the significance and the meaning behind wearing white poppies.
Remembering all victims of violent conflict
Some Quakers will choose to wear a white poppy - either by itself or with a red poppy – in the period around Remembrance Day. Like the red poppy the white poppy is a symbol of remembrance; however the white poppy is worn in memory of all those who lost their lives in wars and conflicts, including civilians as well as military personnel. White poppies often prompt conversations around war, peace and hope; and what can be done to create a future free of violent conflict; which many Quakers feel aligns with their Peace Testimony.
- Information displays inside Street Quaker Meeting House
- White poppy making in partnership with other local meetings
- Creation of a display of white poppies to exhibit in front of the Street Meeting House
- Offer talks and resources for local schools
- A stand at Strode Freshers Fair (Wednesday 5th September)
- A stand at the One World Fair, Wells Town Hall (Saturday 13th October)
- Presentation to Street parish Council (Tuesday 16th October)
Quaker Peace Testimony
Quakers believe that all life is precious. We have always tried “to live in the life and power which takes away the occasion of all wars". [...]
However hard it is, it is important that we remain true to our principles. We try to show that there is another way of conducting human affairs and resolving conflict in a non-violent way. In many cases this will involve difficult choices. Our conscience may be troubled trying to work out what is right in areas like peace-keeping. [...] Throughout history, much has been achieved. The peace testimony involves thinking and speaking the unthinkable, believing this may lead to a real shift in attitudes. What is idealistic in one generation, becomes a cherished right in the next. Extract from https://www.quaker.org.uk/about-quakers/our-values/peace-1 |
Peace Pledge Union
The first white poppies were introduced by The Women’s Cooperative Guild in 1933. Today white poppies are manufactured and distributed by The Peace Pledge union who say that the poppies are:
To REMEMBER ALL victims of war
White poppies will be available from Street Quaker Meeting House to purchase for a suggested donation of £1
Additional resources
Peace Pledge Union website
Information posters
Video: Why The White Poppy?
Information posters
Video: Why The White Poppy?
How can I get involved?
Details of events and activities will be available at meeting for worship or you can get in touch via the contact us page of our website.